The Hooks of Mount Carmel Pennsylvania

The Hooks of Mount Carmel Pennsylvania

Edward Hook
Best Man
George Menko
Maid of Honor
Anna Strike
Cecelia Strike

Home Father Mother Children Mount Carmel

Cecelia Strike and Edward Hook were married On xx/xx/19xx. They were married in Berwick, Pa. by Edward's cousin, a priest who was assigned to a parish in that town at that time. After marrying they lived in a home in Donahue's Row, (see the "Mother" link). They then moved to a rental on 8th Street, which was merely an alley on the Southern edge of Mount Carmel. They lived there until the death of Edward's father at which time they moved into his parental home, at the corner of 6th and Walnut Streets, with Edward's mother. Edward purchased the home from his siblings upon the death of his mother. Cecelia and Edward spent the remainder of their lives in that home. Cecelia and Edward were life time residents of Mount Carmel and reared six children there.

Corrections and comments are encouraged. Information that closes genealogical gaps is sorely needed. My address is -Ed Hook 10 Stonebrook Cove Road Fletcher NC 28732