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The road to Merrian, a small community of less than a dozen homes, is accessed from South Hicory Stree in Mount Carmel. It is a fairly steep mountain road. Near the top Cemetary Road veders off in an broad arc and reconnects with Merrian road on its downside. At the Highest point of Cemetary road are, obviously, several cemetaries.... one of which is Holy Cross Lithuanian Cemetary. It is here where Cecelia's parents are burried as well as one of her brothers and his wife. |
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Cecelia and her husband were laid to reat in Saint Peter and Paul Cemetary just outside of Dooleyville, PA.The cemetary parallels Locust Gap Highway which is accessed from West Third Street in Mount Carmel. The cemetary is sited on the side of a slight hill. The roadway and pathways ar rather gravelly.There is a noticable absence of trees or shruberry. One is immediately struck by the bleakness of the place. Its starkness hampers even a modicum og conteplation.. |