Mount Carmel Odors

Home Father Mother Children Mount Carmel

Peanuts roasting on Oak Street between 3rd and 4th Streets. And at that location, chestnuts outside in the chilly Fall air.

Newsprint from multiple newspapers stacked on the floor of Donderos between 3rd and 4th on Sunday mornings

Saurkraut on New Years Day.

The awful raw sewage stench from the Shamokin Creek on a hot, humid summer day..

Tobacco leaves from the exhaust pipe of the cigar factory on 5th Street..

All kinds of seafood from Deitrich's seafood store on 5th Street just off Oak Street.

Kids wet socks and gloves drying on the oven door of a coal stove after hours of playing in the snow.

Smoke from countless coal burning furnices.

The thick fog of smoke from the continual burning of leaves at the end of October.

The output of unburned gas and oil from the faulty exhaust systems of seemingly every car and truck that came out of Detroit..

Onions frying at "The Greeks" on their grill in their restaurant on Oak Street between 3rd and 4th Streets.

The clean fresh smell of linens and new clothing inside J. C. Penny on the corner of 4th and Oak Streets.

The sulfurous rotten egg mell from the coal burning beneath the surface of the gigantic culm bank at the North side of town..

The Potato pancakes frying at every block party there ever was.

Coffee perking and bacon frying emmanating from open windows and doors of almost every home on a Summer morning.

The endurable but slightly sickening odor inside the A & P supermarket at 5th and Market Streets.

Cigarette smoke in movie theaters....... and almost every where else..

The slight but heavenly sweetness of the smell of ice cream inside Reed's Dairy Store on Oak tween 3rd and 4th.

Chicken slowly roasting in the coal stove oven onSunday

Incense burning in the Church of Our Lady on certain occasions that I never understood

The scent of pee making an effluvium exodus from the nether regions of the kid I was forced to share a seat with in a 4th grade Stevens classroom.

The smell of Beer accompanied by loud jukebox music pouring out the open doors of every corner bar on otherwise pleasant Summer evenings..

Fish frying in every Catholic household in town on meatless Fridays.

Fish frying on Fridays in Radsai's bar/restaurant on the corner of 6th and Oak.

Locomotive smoke when they passed by after putting a penny on the track..

The sweet smell at the cotten candy stand in Knobels. Ditto for the candied apple stand

The stagnant "Stinky Dam' a little ways off the side of the road to Centralia..

Leather in Miller's Shoe Store.

Golumpkies, Pierogies, Blini, Haluski, Babka........

The vomit from one of my father's drunken friends after a full day of celebrating Ortodox Christmas.

The combined cooking odors at any of the many banquets put on by my father's catering business.

The repugnant spittoon used by a boarder at our house for several years... and I might add, those in every bar in town

Fermenting grape/wine odors wafting from the basements of homes here and there.

The smell of mothballs on your cold weather clothing after being exhumed when chilly weather arrived.

Rotting potato peelings and dead clams associated with catering summer events .

The stench of sweaty football gear in the boys shower/locker room in the basement of the High School. Particularly after a second practice session in August .

Pungency of tires being retreaded in Bolstrums at the end of 5th Street on the way to Centralia. New tires were unavailable during WWII

The delightful freshness of my wife's hair throughout courtship and marriage.